The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is a UK VHS/DVD release by Entertainment in Video on 26th August 2003.
The Magic Returns
- Ejiah Wood as Frodo Baggins
- Ian McKellen as Gandalf the Grey
- Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn
- Sean Bean as Boromir
- Orlando Bloom as Legolas
- Leisha Hailey as Elvesqueen Indis
- Alex Dee as Elvesking Finwe
- Sylvje Frejert as Elvesprincess Areme Finvain
- Hugo Weaving as Elvesfurst Elrond
- Liv Tyler as Elvesprincess Arwen
- Lee Pace as forest elben king Thranduil
- Cate Blanchett as Elben Furstess Galadriel
- John Ryhe-Davies as